New York Boat Accident lawyer
Airplane and boating accidents can be devastating for victims and their families. The odds of dying in an airplane crash are extremely low, however only 24% of those involved in airplane crashes survive. Annually, approximately 5,000 boating accidents occur, resulting in numerous injuries or death. Boating accidents, from small boats to large cruise ships, are largely the consequence of negligence. Airplane and boating accidents are particularly alarming as the threat of free falling, drowning, and potential death exist. If you or a loved one are involved in an airplane or boating accident, contact us so we may protect you and secure your financial security. Get an aviation and water vessel New York City lawyer that will fight for you, Michael Manoussos & Company PLLC.
Common Causes for Airplane Accidents
- Poor weather
- Airplane turbulence
- Runaway incursions
- Airplane design problems
- Air traffic controller errors
- Maintenance or repair failures
- Approach or landing errors
- Pilot errors
- Crew failure to instruct on seatbelt use
- Engine failure
- FAA violations
Commercial Airlines
- Commercial airlines, aircraft manufacturers, airport operators, and their contractors are solely responsible for your safety when flying on their aircrafts.
They are required to abide by regulations set by the Federal Aviation Administration of the United States. Failure to comply with such regulations may put passenger safety at risk.
Common Causes for Cruise Ship, Boat & Ferry Accidents
- Collisions with other vessels or at Port
- Slip and falls on the vessel
- Reckless or negligent driving
- Drunk driving
- Boat or ship malfunctions
- Boating or sailing on rough seas or waters
- Inexperienced operators
- Navigating in poor weather visibility
Boating and Water-based Activities
- Water sports and activities, such as swimming, water skiing, jet skiing, fishing, and so on, are very popular, particularly during the summer months. However, the potential for great danger accompanies these fun summer activities. The dangers are heightened when someone is inexperienced, aggressive, negligent, or intoxicated.
There is a convergence of legal theories and State and Federal (and international) laws that come into play with airplane, cruise ship and boating accidents. The Montreal Convention (Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules for International Carriage by Air, 1999) which amended the Warsaw Convention, for instance. re-establishes uniformity and predictability of the rules relating to the international carriage of passengers, luggage and cargo. Airplane and boating accidents, by their very nature, though rare in frequency compared to other types of accident, are horrific and large-scale tragic accidents.
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