Brooklyn Birth Injury Lawyer

The birth of a child is a time that’s supposed to be special, loving, and positive. Unfortunately, birth injuries can have the opposite effect. They can have Brooklyn Birth Injury Lawyer 2severely emotional and physical impacts on the mother, baby, and family. Furthermore, birth injuries can result in a mountain of financial stress, on top of the expenses that already accompany birth and the arrival a precious newborn baby. Birth injuries can be the result of medical malpractice or negligence. The birth injury lawyers at Michael Manoussos & PLLC Co., we’ve seen families struggle with the realities of birth-related injuries, and we are committed to work endlessly to get you the compensation you righteously deserve.

Types of Birth Injuries

  • Delay in Determining that a Caesarian Section is Required
    • In the case of a newborn suffering from fetal distress, an emergency C-section will likely be ordered. Such distress includes situations where a child’s heart rate slows as a result of a drop in the mother’s blood pressure. Emergency C-sections can also be ordered as a result of placental bleeding or abruption, uterine ruptures, slowed labor, placenta previa, cord prolapse, and so forth. If the delivery room medical professionals fail to recognize the need for a C-section to take place, especially in the case of an emergency, their negligence may make them liable for causes to the mother and/or child.
  • Hypoxia
    • The situation where a child’s brain is not receiving enough oxygen, otherwise known as hypoxia, is vitally dangerous. Hypoxia can be caused by a range of circumstances, such as an infected or damaged placenta, or a tangled umbilical cord. Normally, medical practitioners take the necessary steps to identify and rectify hypoxia or any potential threats of hypoxia. However, there are cases where medical practitioners fail to do so take the necessary steps and/or act quickly enough to avoid birth injuries. If hypoxia is not immediately taken care of, it can result in severe and long-term mental and physical disabilities, or, in some cases, death of the infant. In this case, the medical practitioners can be held liable for medical malpractice or negligence.
  • Improper Forceps Use
    • Forceps are a medical instrument used during birth if assistance is needed. They are shaped like salad tongs and are intended to help guide the infant’s head out of the birth canal. This is particularly helpful when the mother is having difficulty delivering her baby or if the infant is not properly positioned in the womb. Proper use of forceps could potentially save the child’s life by reducing their risk of oxygen deprivation and emotional stress. However, if forceps are not used properly it can put the child’s health at serious risk – specifically in regards to nerve damage and head injuries.
  • Improper Vacuum Use
    • A vacuum may be used during childbirth to help deliver the infant. When in use, the vacuum is placed on the child’s shoulders or skull to help move them along the birth canal. It is the responsibility of the medical practitioners to properly use to the vacuum. Improper use of the vacuum can result in serious injuries to both the infant and mother.

Causes of Birth Injuries

Birth injuries may be caused by a variety of medical negligence examples, such as:

  • Not properly using Pitocin (the labor-inducing drug)
  • Not performing specialized tests throughout the mother’s pregnancy
  • Not diagnosing or treating infections, placental abruption or previa, umbilical cord entrapment or premature rupture of the membranes
  • Not referring high-risk patients to specialized doctors
  • Not noting and addressing changes in the fetus’ condition
  • Not to performing enough prenatal testing
  • Not communicating problems to the team of pregnancy and/or delivery medical professionals

In the case of a birth injury, contact the birth injury lawyers and medical professionals at Michael Manoussos & PLLC Co immediately. We will work endlessly to ensure you are properly compensated for your injuries, and emotional and financial distress.

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