

Recent studies find an increase in pedestrian fatalities.

The spike in pedestrian deaths and injuries is attributable a few factors.  Distraction by cell phones and electronic devices seems to be a prevailing cause.  Interestingly, it is not only the vehicle drivers distracted by cell phone use while driving but also the pedestrians who engage in the use of cell phones and electronic devices while walking!PEDESTRIANS – WALK ALERT AND ATTENTIVE! 4

Pedestrians cannot assume because they are pedestrians that vehicle traffic will yield to them.  Pedestrians cannot walk (or jog) without observation and look-out.  Pedestrians cannot be oblivious to traffic around them. It’s bad enough that pedestrians are targets of unyielding turning vehicles, speeding vehicles, red-light and stop-sign disobeying vehicles (not to mention sun-glare, road-rage, and fatigued drivers).

Pedestrians are the most vulnerable road user (as are then bicycle riders).  The striking increase in pedestrian deaths has grabbed the attention of the National Transportation Safety Board, (NTSB) the governmental panel that investigates accidents and makes safety recommendations.  What is clear is that pedestrians are not immune from accident when using cell phones and electronic devices while walking on the streets and roadways.

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